Well color me stupid…

Picture a sheepish face… me… for complaining about the play. I went on stage with the flu, and did it! We all did it! We got a standing ovation! People who knew Anne Braden (my character) said I “WAS” Anne Braden! Quite a compliment! It was an outstanding effort by everyone! And I feel bad about whining and going on. But that is in the past. This is a new moment, and today I promise myself never to whine again and I mean it very sincerely until I forget and whine again… but I am only human… and there is no better medium to showcase the human condition than theatre. And today, we proved that good theatre can move people, even when you’re playing characters who the audience knows well.

I am proud of myself for not giving in to my own or anyone else’s negativity. And I go forth into tomorrow and tomorrow’s performance with a happy and light heart and more confidence than ever.

Forgive me gentle readers, for whining. And congratulate me on my victory, against the flu and against any negative notions!

Positive, positive, positive, from now on!

Pictures next time! Oh and yes, I killed my monologue!

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