
Fluffin, our adored kitty, will be 22 years old in June! That in itself is amazing! That she’s been deaf for years, at least five years, didn’t stop her. Last December, she had a stroke and lost her sight as well. For two weeks,  she didn’t move, but then slowly started getting up, eventually walking all over the house just by her sense of smell, which is prodigious (!!) and sense of touch on her whiskers and ears and fur. It was unbelievable, she walked the length of our condominium. She found her food, water, litter, her summer residence and her winter one. She was doing so very well. A week ago, she had another stroke. Again, it’s affected her left side. She is getting up with difficulty, but persisting until she’s up and drinking water on her own. We’re feeding her, mostly baby food, every few hours. She is recovering. At almost 22 years of age, every day with her is a bonus. 

I can mourn and be sad and I am. I can also think how lucky I’ve been to have this remarkable being in my life. How sweet she is and has always been.  Rest and recover, my baby girl. 

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